Farhad Sanaei joined our group as a PhD student as of 1 May 2022. Farhad has obtained a BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from Urmia University of Technology (Iran) and an MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) focused on mechanically-stimulated organ-on-chip platform development. His interest consists of microfabrication, biofabrication, organ-on-chip systems, 3D (bio)-printing and tissue engineering.
Farhad will carry out his PhD research under supervision of Dr. Mani Diba to develop bone-on-chip models which recapitulate the spatial heterogeneity of cells in bone by means of bioprinting. This project is part of the BoneChipPredict Hypatia Project funded by Radboudumc, which aims to combine bottom-up biomaterial design and biofabrication strategies to develop predictive bone-healing-on-chip models